The number of families that completely enjoyed the experience of searching this bag for gems, and riches 2015 - 2018 have been huge.

There are some guests that want to visit Philipsburg and visit the many different mining businesses, but others want to enjoy and experience Boulder Creek Lodge as
much as possible.
The gold mining legend of gold being found in Boulder Creek is in fact TRUE. Not only is Boulder Creek a great place to enjoy stepping into and cooling off in during July and August, but most definitely a very viable place to pan for gold.

In the 1800's there was a great deal of Gold
discovered and taken out of the Boulder Creek up the mountain that meanders along the small town of Maxville.
Over the past few years there have been some pretty good rainfalls that have forced down a great deal of Boulder Creek rock down the mountain and through Boulder Creek Lodge Resort.
Take the time to experience a true 1800's gold prospecting adventure where gold has been found both in the 1800's but also in 2017. (bringing dogs optional)
